• Spacechips

    The Global Space-Electronics Company

    On-Board Processing Products, Space-Electronics' Design Consultancy, Technical Marketing, Training & Business-Intelligence

    Winner of Start-Up Company of 2017 & High-Reliability Product of 2016, 17 & 18

Technical-Marketing Services

Spacechips positions component/technology providers to the satellite industry as the go-to-supplier, increases their market share, global sales and secures design-ins on future missions. Spacechips writes and publishes commissioned reviews, produces and broadcasts webinars, hosts workshops and creates Apps Notes as well as reference designs. Email, info@spacechips.co.uk, to discuss your technical-marketing needs.

Our customers include:

New Company of 2017 and High-Reliability Product of 2017

High-Reliability Product of 2016

International Company of 2018

Top 100 StartUp